Pair of Royal Worcester Porcelain Aesthetic Movement Moonflasks with Pate Sur Pate Panels c.1875
A Rare Pair of Royal Worcester Aesthetic Movement Moon Flasks c.1875 Decorated with pate sur pate panel and Japanese mon.
Height: 27cm (10.5")
Provenance: The Peter Rose and Albert Gallichan Collection
This pair of moon flasks can be seen displayed on a cabinet in the home of Peter Rose and Albert Gallichan in 'The Best of Arts & Crafts', Author: Brian Coleman, Published: Schiffer, page 72.
Peter Rose and Albert Gallichan were pioneering collectors of 19th Century fine and decorative arts and this unique collection was a shared passion assembled over the course of a lifetime from the 1950s onwards. The collection was regarded and recognised as academically important, a number of bequests of both decorative and fine arts from the collection have been accepted by museums includingThe British Museum and the Ashmolean.
For more reading on Royal Worcester see: https://www.museumofroyalworcester.org/discover-learn/collections/?_collection_search=pate%20sur%20pate